19 January 2022

The day of Kajeng Kliwon falls once every 15 days and is a sacred day for the Balinese Hindus. It is the perfect day to conduct physical and spiritual puri cation, cleanse the mind, heal the sick and supernaturally get rid of evil elements in residential environs through speci ed ceremo- nies. It is also a good day to get rid of pests that are plagu- ing agricultural elds. According to some Balinese, Kajeng Kliwon is an auspicious day for bhuta kala (evil spirits) to run amok and create chaos among humans and nature. As such, the Balinese will visit temples to pray and meditate. As an expression of respect, they will also present o er- ings of “segehan” and “tetabuhan arak berem” (a kind of liquor) in the yards of their houses, entry door and other important spots.

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